Wednesday, 1 November 2023

ManuVidya - PanchaKrutyaParayana

शुक्लाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम्|

प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्व विघ्नोपशान्तये||


पञ्चाशन्निजदॆहजाक्षर भवैर्नानाविधैर्धातुभिः

बह्वर्धैः पदवाक्यमानजनकैरर्धाऽविनाभावितैः

साऽभिप्रायवदर्ध कर्मफलदैः ख्यात्यैरनंतैरिदम्

विश्वम् व्याप्य चिदात्मनाऽहमहमित्युज्जृम्भसॆ मातृकॆ ॥ (शक्तिमहिम्न स्तॊत्रम् -27)

Manu vidyaPancha-krutya-paraayana


Manu means mantra. Vagdevatas are unveiling the Panchadasi mantra of Amma in these namas starting from Manu-vidya upto Pancha-krutya-paraayana. As we have already learnt, Panchadasi mantra is comprised of three groups/kutaas, Vagbhava (soma mandala), Kamaraja (surya mandala) and Sakti (agni mandala) each with five, six and four letters, respectively.


According to Lakshmi Tantra (19.43,44), (Tvak-Srotra-Chakshu-Jihva-Aaghrani) Jnandriyas came forth from the letters na  to tha , (Vak-paani-paada-paayu-upastha) karmendriyas from Na to Ta , (Sabda-Sparsa-Rupa-Rasa-Gandha) pancha tanmatras from jna to cha and (Akasa-Vayu-Agni-Aapas-Pruthvi) five fundamental elements from nga to ka .


Let us see the first set of namas starting with cha .

Chandra-vidya, Chandra-mandala-maadhyaga, Charu-rupa, Chaaru-haasa, Chaaru-Chandra-Kalaadhara, Charaachara-Jagannaadha and Chakraraja-Niketana.


There are seven namas starting with the letter cha, corresponding to the subtle indriyas, the five subtle elements. Indriyas/Senses are symbolically referred to as horses and thus, these seven namas, seem to indicate the Sun God whose chariot has seven horses. Thus, these seven namas refer to the Bhanu-mandala / Kamaraja kuta of the Panchadasi mantra.


The next five namas are starting with the letter pa, a Jnanedriya/Knowledge letter. 


Parvati, Padma-nayana, Padma-raaga-sama-prabha, Pancha-preta-aasana-aaseena, Pancha-Brahma-swaroopini


As Lord Krishna mentioned in BhagavadGita, Jnana-agni, knowledge is always associated with fire.

By placing Parvati, who did penance amidst five fires, as the first nama of this group, Vagdevatas seem to suggest the Agni-mandala/ Sakti kuta of the Panchadasi. mantra, through this group of namas.


The last set of namas of present discussion start from Chinamayi and go upto Pancha-Krutya-Paraayana.

Chinamyi, Paramananda, Vijnana-ghana-roopini refer to the Sat-Chit-Ananda Paramatma

Dhyana-Dhyatru-Dhyeya rupa – Triputi/Tripura – 3 cities (Lokatrayam/Bhuvana trayam) trayam va idam naama rupam karma)

Jagrut (Viswaroopa), Swapna (Tejas), Sushupti (Prajna), Turiya (devoid state) – 4 states

Srushtikatri (Brahmaroopa), Goptri (Govindaroopa), Samharini (Rudra roopa), Tirodhanakari (Iswari), Anugrahada(Sadaasiva) – Pancha krutya parayana - 5 actions


These namas suggesting five actions, four states and three cities (tripuras) associated with the Blissful, Knowledge filled, Supreme Consciousness seem to connect with the fifteen thithis (5+4+3+2+1) (Pratipat to Pournami) of Moon thereby indicating the Chandra mandala/Vagbhva kuta of the Panchadasi mantra.


Thus, Vagdevatas alluded Panchadasi mantra in these three groups of namas namely comprising of seven namas corresponding to Sun, five namas to Fire and fifteen namas to Moon.


Throughout this stotra, Vagdevatas are consistent in sequential placing of mantra, tantra and yantra related namas.  Now, having completed the Panchadasi mantra, you can expect the next set of namas to refer to the tantra. Yes, indeed!! The next set of namas starting from Bhanu-mandala-madhyastha upto Vamakesi, they are going to divulge in Dasa Maha Vidyas. Let us try to understand those secrets in the next post.

Praying to Panchadasaakshari rupini,


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