Saturday, 22 June 2019


शुक्लाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम्|
प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्व विघ्नोपशान्तये||
वेदमयीम् नादमयीम्
बिन्दुमयीम् परपदोद्यदिन्दुमयीम्।
मन्त्रमयीं तंत्रमयीम् प्रकृतिमयीम्
नौमि विश्वविकृतिमयीम्।।(मूकपञ्चशति)
At the end of the Mahayaga, in order to protect the worlds, Parasakthi manifested as LalithaMahaTripuraSundari from the Chidagni-kunda.  It has been said in the Brahmanda Purana that, the groups of Gods, sages, and Ganas praised LalithaMahaTripuraSundari and requested Her to rescue them from the tortures of the demon Bhanda.  As She got ready to fight with the demon, the way sparks emerge out of fire, a bastion of forces emerged from Amma. She assigned appropriate duties to be carried out in the war, to the army.  Subsequent namas describe the divine play of Amma in the war with Bhandasura.  Interestingly, these namas also are indicative of the inherent Sakthis that arise in sadhakas when they rage a war through their austerities against the demon Bhandasura, symbolic of the materialistic and maya filled jiva bhava.
देवाश्चऋयश्च देवर्षयः – Brahma and other Gods, Vasishta and other Sages
देवर्षयः – Narada and other DevaRishis
देवर्षयश्च देवर्षयश्च देवर्षयः – Following the Panini sutra एकशेषएकविभक्तौ when a word is repeated, it is enough to mention once; only one देवर्षयः is mentioned here.

आदित्यविश्ववस्तुषिताभास्वरानिलाः।महाराजिकसध्याश्चरुद्राश्च गणदेवताः।। (अमरकोशम्- स्वर्गवर्गम्-10)
गणाः – Aditya and other Gana devatas

देवर्षीगण – Deva (Brahma and others), Rishi (Vasishta and others) and Gana (Aditya and others)
संघात – great assemblage
स्तूयमान - praised by
आत्म – Atma/Self/gross form
वैभवम् – grandeur/omnipresence
Pranams to Amma with great divine gross from that is praised by the assemblage of Gods, Sages and Ganas.

Hidden meaning:
As SankaraBhagavatpada praises the omnipresence of Amma in the SoundaryaLahari sloka मनस्त्वम् व्योमत्वम्… as त्वयि परिणतायाम् नहिपरम् it is nothing but you in the entire creation, Vagdevatas are also referring to Her all pervasiveness in this nama.

स्वात्मैव देवता प्रोक्ता ललिता विश्वविग्रहा
 (तन्त्रराजतन्त्र् – 35.13)
सदानन्दपूर्णा स्वात्मैव परदेवता ललिता 
(भावनोपनिषद् – 23)
आत्माभिन्नदेवतायाः वैभवम् विभुत्वम् 
अनन्तशक्तिसंवृतत्वरूपम प्राभवम् यस्याः सा इति वर्णनीयम् 
(भास्करराय भाष्यम्)
LalithaMahaTripuraSundari is praised by all the Gods, Sages and Ganas as the all pervasive Atma in the entire creation.

Following the Siva sutra चैतन्यमेवात्म, it implies the omnipresent Consciousness is nothing but Amma, LalithaMahaTripuraSundari. The unmanifest Supreme Consciousness ParaSakthi, is manifested as chicchakti in movables and jada-sakthi in immovables.

Having started the Sahasranama stotra with this Para form of Amma in the namas श्रीमाता, श्रीमहाराज्ञी, श्रीमत्सिंहासनेश्वरी, Vagdevatas are yet again referring to this Para form after completing the description of the gross form of Amma, symbolic of creation.

May the manifested Para form of Amma bless me with the cognition of the unmanifested Para form at the earliest,


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