Sunday, 20 January 2019


शुक्लाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम्
प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्व विघ्नोपशान्तये
वामाङ्कस्थामीशतुर्दीप्यमानाम् भूषाबृंदैरिन्दुरेखावतंसाम्।
यस्त्वाम् पश्यन् सततम् नैव त्रुप्तःतस्मै च देवी वषडस्तु तुभ्यम्॥
(त्रिपुरसुन्दरी वेदपाद स्तवम् -100)
Amma!! The person who is never satisfied meditating on you as decorated with the crescent moon on your head, dressed up all other ornaments and sitting on the left lap of Lord Siva, may he be blessed with the Vashatdevi of the sacrifices offered to you.

Pranams to Amma sitting on the lap of SivaKameswara.

Kameswari Devi sitting on the lap of Kameswara is symbolic of their unison.  This nama is indicative of the coalescent nature of the primodial couple residing on the top of the Sumeru mountain. Vagdevatas refer to Kameswara as Siva-Kameswara, in this nama. Let us try to understand the secret behind this.

Hidden Meaning

Everything is filled with, made up of Supreme Consciousness/Brahmam. Atma/Soul is Brahmam. Brahmam () has four parts, namely, Vaiswanara (jagrudavastha/wakeful state/a-kaara), Taijasa (svapnavastha/dream state/u-kaara) and prajna (sushupti/deep sleep/m-kaara) and turiyam (fourth). (Mandukyopanishad 2-6)

स एष वैश्वानरो विश्वरूपः प्राणोग्निरुदयते। तदेतदृचाभ्युक्तम्॥ 
प्राणग्नय एवैतस्मिन्पुरे जागृति। (ibid 4.3)
Vaiswanara (Siva – शतपथब्राह्मणम् – X.6.1) in the form of vital airs is always on guard in the city(body) during wakeful state.

अत्रैष देवः स्वप्ने महिमानमनुभवति (प्रश्नोपनिषद् 4.5)
Taijasa in the form of mind (desire/Kama) experiences the dream state.

अत्रैष देवः स्वप्नान्न पश्यत्यथैतदस्मिञ्शरीरे एतत्सुखम् भवति (ibid 4.6)
In the dreamless deep sleep state, prajna/intelligence in the form of Isvara chaitanya/Supreme Consciousness enjoys ultimate happiness.

जगरितिस्थानो वैश्वानरोऽकारः प्रथमा मात्रा
स्वप्नस्थानस्तैजस उकारो द्वितीया मात्रा
सुषुप्तस्थानः प्राज्ञो मकारस्त्रितीया मात्रा
Maatraa is the measure of time for uttering a letter.  Amaatra indicates silence.
अमत्रश्चतुर्धोऽप्राज्ञो व्यवहार्यः प्रपञ्चोपशमः (माण्डूक्योपनिषद् 9-12)
The fourth part (turiya) of the Pranava/Akshara Brahma is called amaatra/silence. This fourth part is also referred to as ardha-maatra in the scriptures.

द्वेवाव एव ब्रह्मणि अभिध्येये के ते शब्दश्चैकम् ब्रह्म अशब्दश्च द्वितीयम्। 
(मैत्र्युपनिषद् 6.22)
शिव-काम-ईश्वर-अङ्कस्थिता :- Turiya Paramatma/Supreme Consciousness is the fourth part that resides without undergoing any change, in all the three states Jagruth/Wakeful state, Swapna/Dream state and Sushupti/Deep sleep state.

According to the above Mandukyopanishad mantras, it seems Vagdevatas are referring to the a-kaara, u-kaara, m-kaara and turiya comprised akshara Brahma/Pranava in this nama.

Lord Siva smeared with bhasma and wearing snakes as oraments and a kapala mala takes an enchanting form equivalent to thousands of cupids and to marry Amma manifested from the chidagni-kunda. This form of the Lord Siva is known as Kameswara. (Brahmanda Purana UttaraBhaga 14.10,11,12 & 15.12).

May I, who is sinking in the bhava sagara have the darshan of Amma sitting on the left lap of Lord Kameswara, at the earliest.


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