Thursday, 8 June 2023

Sarvajna - Maha-Chatushashti-Koti-Yogini-Gana-Sevita


शुक्लाम्बरधरम् विष्णुम् शशिवर्णम् चतुर्भुजम्|

प्रसन्नवदनम् ध्यायेत् सर्व विघ्नोपशान्तये||


सारसनयनि सरसविनॊदिनि

सामगानलॊलिनि सदाशिवाह्लादिनि ललितॆ।

दुरितविमॊचनि दुर्गति नाशिनि

दुःखनिवारिणि दॆवदॆवमनॊल्लासिनि ललितॆ||

Skanda maata – Rudra

Goddess Skanda maata whose abode is the Visuddhi chakra, is the mother of Skanda, personification of knowledge.

तत आगच्छति मध्यमस्थाना दॆवता। रुद्रं च मरुतश्च । (यास्काचार्य निरुक्तम् – 7.23)

Rudra is the Lord of Bhuvarloka.

कतमॆ रुद्रा इति। दशमेपुरुषा प्राणा आत्मैकादशस्तॆ।

यदास्माच्छरीरान्मर्त्यादुत्क्रामन्त्यथ रॊदयन्ति तद्यद्रॊदयन्ति तस्माद्रुद्रा इति । (बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् 3.9.4)

The Lord of Visuddhi chakra is Rudra and Vagdevatas used eleven namas to praise fifth Nava-Durga form Skanda maata, associated with this chakra.

1.Sarvajna 2. Saandra karunaa 3. samaanaadhika varjitaa 4. Sarva sakti mayee 5. Sarva mangalaa 6. Sadgati pradaa 7. Sarvesvari 8. Sarvamayi 9. Sarvamantra svarupini 10. Sarva yantraatmikaa 11. Sarva tantra roopa


Katyayani – Asana/Bhima

Goddess Katyayani is Nava-Durga sakthi associated with the golden hued Ajna chakra.  This sixth Durga form is eulogized as Manonmani by Vagdevatas. Asana is the Ashtamurti tattva of Lord Siva associated with the mind. Asani is addressed as Indra in the RigVeda Kausitaki Brahmana and praised as Indra’s weapon Vajrayudha, in Satapatha Brahmana. Since mind is the controller of Indriyas, Asani is seen as a symbol of mind.  So, there is only one name corresponding to Asana.


Kaalaraatri – Ugra (fierceful)

The seventh plexus/chakra is Lalata chakra. This is the house of Vagdevatas themselves. The Nava-Durga form associated with this chakra is Kaalaraatri. This chakra is associated with intellect and Ugra is the corresponding form of Ashtamurti tattva.  It is interesting to note that the fierceful(Ugra) presiding deity of fourteenth day of the waxing fortnight (Sukla paksha chaturdasi) is Kaalika devi (Brihat Samhita).


Ashtamurti Ugradeva is the presiding deity of Vana/forest and aushdhams/medicines.


धर्मार्थकाममॊक्षाणाम् आरॊग्यम् मूलमुत्तमम् (चरकसंहित 1.15)

शरीरॆन्द्रिय सत्वात्मसंयॊगॊ धारि जीवितम्

नित्यगश्चानुबन्धश्च पर्यायैरायुरुच्यतॆ ॥ (ibid 1.42)

In order to achieve the four purusharthas (dharma-artha-kaama-moksha), one needs to have a healthy life. Ayuvu/Life is the collection of the self, antahkarana (manas, buddhi, chitta and ahankara) and this body, made up of five fundamental elements, five subtle elements/tanmatras and each five of karmendriya and jnanendriyas.    


Thus, the Ashtamurti tatttva of intellect is associated with 25, Vagdevatas presented 25 namas for the Nava-Durga form Kaala ratri of Lalata chakra.


1.Maheswari 2. Maha-devi 3. Maha-Lakshmi 4. Mruda-priya 5. Maha-roopa 6. Maha-poojya 7. Maha-paatakanaasini 8. Maha-maayaa 9. Maha-satvaa 10. Maha-saktih 11. Maha-ratih 12. Maha-bhoga 13. Maha-aisvarya 14. Maha-veerya 15. Maha-bala 16. Maha-buddhih 17. Maha-siddhih 18. Maha-yogesvaresvari 19. Maha-tantra 20. Maha-mantra 21. Maha-yantra 22. Maha-asana 23. Maha-yaaga-kramaaraadhyaa 24. Maha-bhairava-poojita 25. Maheswara-maha-kalpa-maha-tandava-sakshini


Let us try to understand the reason behind having Maha in all these 25 namas.


During the discussion of the namas Kulamrutaika rasika – Samayachara tatparaa, we have learnt that akula is the diety of the ashtakona of the Srichakra. Kula means collection/group and in this context, kula refers to the collection of tattvas. Akula means one that is devoid of Kula or tattvas. Lalata chakra signfies the tattvatita SuddhaaSuddha/Paraapara state. This is the state of Siva-Sakti union. A-kaara is Siva and Ha-kaara is Sakti, so the Maha in these namas represent the Unision of Siva and Sakti. If aspirants are not careful in their practices/sadhana at this state, there is a possibility to get down to lower kula states.




Maha Gauri – Mahadeva

Goddess of the eighth plexus Sahasrara, is Kameswari on the lap of Kameswara, also known as Maha Gauri. Sakti on the lap of Siva indicates their inseparability. Mahadeva is the Suddha taattva,  SivaSakti in inseparable unision. To indicate this, Vagdevatas used the two namas 1. Maha-Kamesa-Mahishi 2. Maha- Tripura-Sundari.


Siddhidatri – Parameswara

The sat-chit-ananda Paramatma of Brahmarandhra is Parameswara. To indicate this, Vagdevatas used three namas for the Nava-Durga deity Siddhidatri, Goddess of the Nirvana chakra.


1.Chatushashti-upacaaraadhyaa 2. Chatushashti-kalamayi 3. Maha-chatushashti-koti-yogini-gana-sevita


In Aitreya Brahmana, the number sixty four is connected with the Parama padam. Taking 21 steps for each loka the aspirant crosses the three lokas and with an extra one step the aspirant attains the Parama padam. (Aitreya Brahmana – 1st Chapter – 5th Canto).


This means the sixtyfourth step is the final step.


This seems to be the secret behind Vagdevatas using chatushashti in the last three namas here that signify the sat-chit-ananda Paramatma.


Siddhidatri, the Nava-Durga form associated with the Nirvana chakra not only bestows anima and other eight/ashta siddhis to Her devotees but also, the Parama-pada.

Praying to Amma who is ananya – sulabha,

